Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Calculating Income for Mortgage Lending

Processing Tip
The credit freeze has made underwriting more particular than ever. Here are a few pointers to help you get your loan approved the first time. Loans that loose their Accept status when they are underwritten usually loose this because the underwriter calculates the income differently than you did. Many times if the underwriter knew how you calculated the borrowers income they would accept it. If I was processing a loan I would always include the calculation of income in my loan file. Make sure you know the guide lines regarding the income calculation. If you want an exception from the guidelines be sure and state the reason you feel the borrower deserves this exception. Example: overtime usually always requires a two year history. Your borrower has only been on the current job 12 months. However they had overtime in the previous job. In this scenario include a VOE of both jobs documenting a two year history. Don’t assume because an employer requires over time that they underwriter will accept that as a reason to have less than two years.

I also find this IRS web site in determining what income is tax deductable or how it should be reported to be helpful - IRS Frequently Asked Questions . Attached is an income worksheet that you could use to calculate income and include in your loan file
Shirley Nault has been a mortgage professional for over 20 years. Visit her other mortgage web sites go to or

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